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Teacher Qualifications

Parents of registered and attending students have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teacher(s). Ascent Academy will provide, upon request, information regarding state qualification and licensing criteria, licensing status, degree and certification held, and other relevant qualifications and in a timely manner. Ascent Academy may employ individuals holding LEA-specific educator licenses, license areas, or endorsements in accordance with Utah Administrative Code R277-301-7. Additional information on educator licensing can be found on the USBE website. Please contact the administrative team if you would like more information.

100% of all Ascent Academies of Utah teachers are all licensed by USBE. Following are the current percentage of LEA FTE-based licenses, license areas, and endorsements held by educators employed and the designations or levels apply to educator licenses, license areas (i.e. elementary, secondary, special education), and content endorsements (i.e. mathematics, music, Spanish, social studies):

  • Professional License = 79.15%
    The educator has completed an educator preparation program that includes content and pedagogical knowledge.  This program may have been completed at a university or in an alternate pathway that was supported by school districts/charters and the Utah State Board of Education.
  • Associate License = 9.62%
    The educator is currently completing an educator preparation program but has not yet completed all requirements for a Professional Educator License, license area, or endorsement. The educator is enrolled in a university-based or Local Education Agency (LEA) based program.  When the educator completes the program, they will have a professional level.
  • LEA Specific License = 11.23%
    The educator has not completed an educator preparation and is not currently enrolled in one. The LEA Specific License is available for all License Areas. Only special education licenses (Special Education and Preschool Special Education) have a one-year-only restriction, otherwise, the LEA can specify their educator for up to three years.

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